Created by Lego in Billund, Denmark , 2017
Expanding on their modular blocks, LEGO launched a line of building kits that allow children to program the actions of their robot using a mobile app. LEGO Boost teaches kids the fundamentals of robotics with an educational drag and drop programming interface that is designed just for them. While it’s likely to inspire future roboticists and creative technologists, this system additionally appeals to audiences beyond the simply building process, giving users the ability to add autonomous movement to their creations.
Product Webpage Press: DezeenTechnology
Created by Lego in Billund, Denmark, 2017
Expanding on their modular blocks, LEGO launched a line of building kits that allow children to program the actions of their robot using a mobile app. LEGO Boost teaches kids the fundamentals of robotics with an educational drag and drop programming interface that is designed just for them. While it’s likely to inspire future roboticists and creative technologists, this system additionally appeals to audiences beyond the simply building process, giving users the ability to add autonomous movement to their creations.