Fossil Hunting in the Gobi 360
Created by American Museum of Natural History in New York, NY, USA , 2016
To emphasize the continued significance of explorer Roy Chapman Andrews’ historic expeditions to the Gobi desert in the 1920s, the American Museum of Natural History developed a web-based 360° educational video combining vintage images and film footage captured on the trip. The piece was designed as part of a larger exhibition celebrating Andrew’s fossil-finding expeditions, and the new and original paleontological works they still inspire.
Project WebsiteTechnology
Created by American Museum of Natural History in New York, NY, USA, 2016
To emphasize the continued significance of explorer Roy Chapman Andrews’ historic expeditions to the Gobi desert in the 1920s, the American Museum of Natural History developed a web-based 360° educational video combining vintage images and film footage captured on the trip. The piece was designed as part of a larger exhibition celebrating Andrew’s fossil-finding expeditions, and the new and original paleontological works they still inspire.