Head Light
Created by Shunichi Kasahara in Tokyo, Japan , 2018
A kind of inverted virtual reality experience, computer scientist Shunichi Kasahara’s HeadLight is a “wearable wide-angle projector system for Egocentric visual augmentation”; basically, a laser projector you can wear on your head to create an immersive environment. Using personal projection mapping software, a pose tracker and a fish-eye conversion lens, HeadLight aims to immerse humans into the perceptual world of nonhuman species — its projected virtual environment covering a space that’s roughly 105° horizontal and 55° vertical from the point of view of the user.
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Created by Shunichi Kasahara in Tokyo, Japan, 2018
A kind of inverted virtual reality experience, computer scientist Shunichi Kasahara’s HeadLight is a “wearable wide-angle projector system for Egocentric visual augmentation”; basically, a laser projector you can wear on your head to create an immersive environment. Using personal projection mapping software, a pose tracker and a fish-eye conversion lens, HeadLight aims to immerse humans into the perceptual world of nonhuman species — its projected virtual environment covering a space that’s roughly 105° horizontal and 55° vertical from the point of view of the user.